Launching TheGoodDocsProject (0.1)
We are proud to announce the first 0.1 release of TheGoodDocsProject.

We have officially launched our first 0.1 release of TheGoodDocsProject at the recent WriteTheDocs - Australia conference and were honored to have ~ 50 documentarians review our templates in a two-hour "fix-it" session.
What is TheGoodDocsProject?
"Best practice templates and writing instructions for documenting open-source software, collated from the best ideas within the documentarian community."
Incidentally, the templates will be directly applicable for other domains too.
What’s included?
In this alpha release, we have draft templates for:
What’s next?
Over the next few weeks, we will be copying suggestions into our issue tracker.
By ~ mid 2020, we plan to publish a 0.2 release, incorporating suggestions to date.
We hope many documentarians will join us to help improve these templates.
As a result, with a bit of luck, people will start using the templates.
Sound exciting? Why don’t you come join us?

Text of article ©2024 Cameron Shorter
Released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)