Join us

Join to build skills, stay for the community!

The Good Docs Project is a global community of technical writers, doc tools experts, software engineers, and UX designers who are committed to improving the quality of documentation in open source software and beyond. If our mission sounds interesting and inspiring to you, we would love to have your help!

Why you should join our community

If you work in or aspire to work in the tech industry, our community can help you develop new skills and enhance your existing ones. Most people who join our project develop or improve skills in:

  • Technical communication

  • Research and writing

  • Technical editing

  • Git, GitLab, and other version control technologies

  • Markdown

  • Project and task management

  • Teamwork and collaboration

  • Leadership

If you are new to software or technical writing, participating in our project is like having a high quality internship where you can practice and apply these skills with guided mentorship.

If you are an experienced technical writer or software engineer, our project gives you a chance to enhance and perfect your existing skills. You also get opportunities to socialize and exchange ideas or best practices in collaboration with other expert practitioners in the tech industry. Over time, you will also have opportunities to grow skills as a leader and mentor others in a fun, low-stakes environment.

No matter your experience level, participating in our project helps you grow your professional network and develop long-lasting friendships with people all over the world. Many of our community members stay with the project for several years because of the friendships they make here.

How to join our community

To get started in our community, attend an upcoming Welcome Wagon meeting. We offer online-only meetings each month (except June and December) with a variety of options for different time zones.

At this 1-hour online onboarding meeting, you’ll get:

  • A brief overview of our project’s goals and mission.

  • Some information about our community and resources that are available for your support.

  • An overview of our key initiatives and working groups.

  • An introduction to the contributing process for at least one working group of your choice.

  • An opportunity to meet other project members and leaders.

In order to register for this meeting, fill out the following Welcome Wagon registration form. We respect your privacy, and this information is only shared with a small set of project leaders on a strictly need-to-know basis.

After submitting this form, please allow 1-5 business days for someone from our project to respond to your request. Response times may vary.

If this form doesn’t load properly, you can access it here: Welcome Wagon registration form